The Double Shift
In today's go-go world, women are making significant strides in the workforce. However, as more women pursue successful careers, they face the daunting task of balancing work and family life. The time commitment required to fulfill responsibilities at home can be crazy overwhelming, leaving women grappling with the challenges of managing their dual roles.
Kate and I have discussed the balancing act often and were curious if our experience correlated across the board. We discovered that a recent study conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics found women spend an average of 2.6 hours per day on household activities, including cooking, cleaning, and childcare. This is before and after a full day’s work! But it doesn’t stop there. Another survey conducted by the Pew Research Center reveals that 60% of working mothers feel it’s difficult to balance work and family. So ladies, clearly, we’re in this together!
It seems the main challenge faced by working moms is the "double shift." You know what we’re talking about- coming home from your job to begin unpaid housework. We often find ourselves juggling household chores, managing children's schedules, and attending to our partner's needs, while also trying to carve out personal time. With 24 hours in a day… whew, that’s an impossible ask.
The key is creating a healthy work-life balance, which requires effective time management, clear communication, and the willingness to seek support. But that’s waaaaayyyyy easier said than done. So as a company of women, we plan to explore strategies such as delegating tasks, setting boundaries, and negotiating flexible work arrangements, when possible.
Fact is, the time commitment for working women is undeniably challenging. Balancing professional responsibilities with household tasks and family obligations is beyond overwhelming. We’re diving into some solves with both feet, knowing that some executions will fall short and others will be a homerun. Stay tuned as our team works on solutions for this major 21st century problem.