KR Squared's 10th Anniversary

Katy Rhamey and Kate Rhamey of KR Squared. This month, KR Squared celebrates 10 years as a creative marketing, advertising, and commercial production agency.

Over the past 10 years… that’s right, I said it, 10 years, KR Squared has grown as a company and as individuals. We’ve learned a lot, but the number one takeaway is to celebrate who we are.

When we started the company, Kate and I had to put on our “man pants” when sitting at the table (especially in the production realm) to be taken seriously, which meant we never showed up as our authentic dynamic duo selves. Fortunately, much has changed since the inception of KR Squared, and the “man pants” are long gone. But upon reflection, we realize our best work occurred when we brought our unique creative perspective to a project. In fact, when we authentically came to the table, our creative won a Digiday, Mosaic, and National Gold Addy. Therefore, we’ve decided 2023 is the year of the mom!

Yep, this year is the mother of all creativity for KR Squared in both production and marketing. Why? Well, we’re totally embracing who we are… moms and professionals. Think about it, moms nurture, listen, have answers, develop individualism, and encourage their kids to reach their potential. As a client, doesn’t that sound like an awesome environment to collaborate?

So we’re stepping into the next 10 years by following our gut and embracing our mom jean selves to create the best in marketing and commercials for clients from start-ups to national brands. After all, ingenuity and 10 years of experience IS the mother of invention.

Then & Now





The Double Shift


Social Media: Stand Out From the Noise