The Guilt Industry

Gather 'round for a tale as old as time (well, maybe not that old, but definitely timeless): the guilt industry around women trying to balance work and home life. It's like walking a tightrope while juggling flaming swords and trying not to drop the baby. Okay, maybe not that extreme, but you get the picture.

According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, 56% of working moms and 50% of working dads feel guilty about not spending enough time with their children. That's right, folks, guilt knows no gender! But for women, the pressure cooker is set too high, with society often placing the blame squarely on their shoulders. I felt like this was an important topic since we are now in the midst of the holiday season, where let’s face it, moms have a crazy list of additional responsibilities.

Now, don't get me wrong, I believe women are superheroes. They're smashing glass ceilings, pursuing careers, and running households in yoga pants and a topknot. But the guilt industry capitalizes on every spilled sippy cup and missed soccer game. It makes you question whether you're a loving parent or a neglectful monster.

Picture this: You’ve wrapped presents, sent out Christmas cards, and baked cookies before work. Now, you're closing a big deal in a meeting, when the phone buzzes with a call from the school nurse. Your child has a fever. Cue exhaustion and guilt! In this scenario, you feel like you’re going to self-combust!

But here's the thing, it's high time we laughed in the face of the guilt industry. Moms can't be perfect at everything, all the time. And that's okay! Let's embrace the chaos and imperfection, knowing that the guilt we feel is largely manufactured by a society that sets us up for failure.

So, here's to all the women out there, juggling like pros and laughing in the eye of challenges. You've got this!


The Domino Effect


Attitude of Gratitude and Workplace Friends