Attitude of Gratitude and Workplace Friends

At KR Squared, we believe in celebrating little things that make a big difference. So for Thanksgiving we’re giving a HUGE shoutout to our incredible team and the friendships we've created along the way. The ladies of KR Squared make every day at the office feel, well, fun!

Our friendships might seem like a mere workplace bonus, but it also gives us an overall mental boost. In fact, numerous studies say strong social connections create increased happiness, reduces stress, and improves overall well-being. Plus, people with strong work friendships are not only happier but also more productive!

Here’s some of the highlights I found that backup the KR Squared work/friendship vibe:

  • Studies show that expressing gratitude reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety. 

  • When employees have strong work relationships, they tend to collaborate more effectively, leading to increased productivity and creativity.

  • People who have friends at work often find it easier to cope with workplace challenges (yep, we’re in the trenches together)!

With all this good stuff in mind, This Thanksgiving, we are grateful for our work family and the added benefits of our relationships. In other words,  It's not just about the work we do; it's about the people we do it with. And to our stellar team, thank you for being a part of something amazing. There is no KR Squared without YOU!


The Guilt Industry


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