Lake Tahoe: Our Muse, Your Marketing Magic

Ever wondered why our campaigns feel like a breath of fresh air? Look no further than our office backyard. KR Squared is nestled in the heart of Lake Tahoe, where the crystal-clear water and Sierra mountains are more than just a pretty backdrop; they're our creative fuel.

A recent study in Psychology Today suggests spending time in nature can significantly boost creative thinking. It found that exposure to natural environments reduces stress, improves mood, and here's a big one, increases our ability to generate new ideas.

And what's really cool is that our team actually lives this research daily. We've been honored with an American Advertising Federation National Gold for Best Branded Content and Entertainment Campaign, Best in Shows, and numerous other honors. Yep, all these awards are coming out of Lake Tahoe, not Los Angeles, Chicago, or New York (you get the point).

But when you think about it, it makes sense. The daily inspiration that comes from living and working in a place known as one of the greatest natural works of art has to have benefits. From invigorating walks to the coffee shop to the spectacular views during a lunch-break hike, there's inspiration at every turn.

So, if you ever think our work feels refreshingly original and bursting with creativity, remember: it might just be the magic of the outdoors at work. And hey, maybe a little bit of that magic can rub off on your next marketing project, too.


Farewell Friend


Creative Collaboration