Guilt Of Not Doing It All

In today's 24/7 hustle culture, many of us feel pressured to excel in every role we take on. Particularly for working moms, this juggling act can bring about the sensation of constantly dropping the ball, leading to major guilt and burnout. In fact, according to a 2017 study, a whopping 60% of working moms expressed feeling guilty about not "doing it all." That's a massive chunk of women feeling they're somehow falling short and not measuring up to lofty societal expectations. (And maybe their expectations too.) Raise your hand if you know what I'm talking about.

So, we started wondering where this overriding guilt comes from. After a little research, this is what we found:

  • Societal Standards: Whether it's the polished portrayals on Instagram, the seemingly flawless families on TV shows, or the tales from that always-perfect PTA mom, these snapshots suggest others are doing it effortlessly.

  • Internal Expectations: It's easy to become our harshest critic. We all have aspirations, and doubt seeps in when we feel we aren't meeting them. FYI… I'm sooooo guilty of this.

  • Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): In a world of endless opportunities, there's the lurking anxiety that we're somehow missing the boat if we aren't seizing everything at every moment.

But here's today's major truth bomb: nobody truly manages everything seamlessly; emphasis on NOBODY. Those who look like they're nailing it all the time? Well, they have their unseen struggles, moments of doubt, and areas where they feel they're lacking or even failing. Seriously folks, we’re all human.

The key is understanding that every individual's 'all' is different. Remember, each one of us is incredibly unique. With that in mind, It's time to redefine success based on our own terms and give ourselves the grace to be human. If we can shift that internal dialogue even a little bit, we might just find more peace and acceptance in our hectic lives.


Work Friends Are Great Friends


Let It Go