World Mental Health Day

Today’s World Mental Health Day, and amid the hustle of carpools, Zoom calls, and ensuring there's something edible for dinner, let's take a breather. If you’re like me, juggling work and kids, you've felt the burn - yep, the dreaded work burnout.

Who knew that the phrase, “doing it all” would come with a mental health price tag? These days, it seems like the “professional burnout” bug is spreading faster than my little boy’s shenanigans. One minute you’re pumped about your job, the next, you’re drowning in tasks and questioning your life choices. It’s become the silent epidemic of our age, hasn’t it?

This World Mental Health Day, let’s change the narrative. Let’s recognize that feeling drained isn’t a badge of honor. That "busyness" isn’t always productive. Most importantly, it’s okay to ask for help. For all the hats we wear – employee, mother, partner, friend - we have to remember being kind to ourselves.

So today, I challenge you to take a moment for you. Whether that’s a five-minute meditation, a brisk walk, sipping coffee while it's still warm (a luxury, I know), or camping with friends and family (my happy place). Let’s remind ourselves that mental health isn’t just about tackling big issues; it's about the daily choices we make to prioritize ourselves amidst the chaos.

Stay strong, keep the faith, and know you're not alone in this juggling act.


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Two Full-Time Jobs