Sandwiched and Strong

This past year, I found out what living in the “sandwich generation” is all about. The Sandwich Generation refers to the adults currently juggling the care of aging parents and their own children. While my grown kids are 100% self-sufficient, one of them recently had a serious health scare that pulled me in two directions at once. Meanwhile, my parents needed me for medical appointments and emotional support. It was overwhelming, to say the least.

And I’m not alone. Helena, our incredibly talented graphic designer at KR Squared, is going through the same thing. Between creating stunning campaigns, she’s helping her parents navigate life changes while emotionally supporting her own children. There’s comfort in knowing that we’re in this together—because if you’re reading this, chances are you or someone you know is also sandwiched between generations.

According to Forbes, more than 11 million people in the U.S. are part of the sandwich generation, and many are feeling the financial and emotional strain. Burnout is real, but so is the community we can build to support each other. At KR Squared, we’ve learned that extending grace to ourselves and each other goes a long way. Sharing a vent session during coffee breaks or simply acknowledging that it’s okay not to have everything figured out can lighten the load. Sometimes, just knowing that someone else “gets it,” is enough. 

To anyone balancing work, kids, and parents: I get it. Let’s continue showing up for one another, one day at a time—because this sandwich generation might just be the strongest yet.


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