Confessions of a Sleep-Deprived CEO
Let’s get real. It's 10:46 pm, and guess who's staring at a screen brighter than their future if they don't get some shut-eye? Yep, your very own workaholic CEO.
See, I preach work-life balance like a motivational meme machine, but lately, my actions haven't exactly been #blessed. Today was a whirlwind of meetings, emails, and that "just one more thing" mentality that keeps me hamster-wheeling until I forget what sunlight looks like.
Sound familiar? And let's be honest, working from home doesn't exactly help. I see you, superhero parents, folding laundry at ungodly hours (because who folds laundry at 9am?). Balancing work and home maintenance is an impossible challenge—both to-do lists are never-ending by nature. It’s easy to see how someone can get lost in the cycle.
A recent survey says 23% of U.S. workers are self-proclaimed workaholics, and let's just say I'm waving my flag pretty enthusiastically over here. For me, it's the endless to-do list that mocks me with its ever-growing size. The struggle is real, friends.
But here's the thing: this isn't a badge of honor. It's a cry for help! So, I'm taking a stand. Sure, KR Squared keeps us busy, but that doesn't mean evenings can't be for recharging. I’m battling back with an organized plan of action:
Here's my new end-of-work-day routine (fingers crossed it works!):
Tame the To-Do List: Reviewing tomorrow's tasks and prioritizing helps me feel less overwhelmed (and less likely to work late trying to remember everything).
Desk Zen: A tidy workspace equals a tidy mind (hopefully). Plus, it makes finding that one very specific post-it note less stressful.
Laptop Shutdown: This one's a work in progress, but trust me, I'm chanting "shut down, precious" like Gollum with the Ring.
After that? It's all about personal time. Going for a walk, catching up with friends, or, my favorite stress reliever, going to see my horse. The point is, I’m attempting to spend my evenings on activities that scream "It's me time!"
I’m reclaiming my evenings, KR Squared fam. We can be productive AND well-rested. Because let's face it, a burnt-out CEO is no fun for anyone.